Saturday 27 March 2021

The two Brexits. One last time, with feeling.

There were two Brexits: one political and the other economic.

Political Brexit satisfied any "mandate" from the referendum, in that the quest was should the UK remain a memeber or or leave the European Union, the point where the Articles of the European Union no longer applied to the UK was on January 31st 2020.

Everything else that followed, was an economic decision, made by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet, and voted through, with minimum scrutiny (in one 5 hour sitting). That was the TCA.

So, if regulations are too strict or have too high a price for a sector or industry, then the UK can, as a sovereign nation, negotiate something different.

Refusing to means that the economic hit that economic Brexit has is made by the UK and the UK alone.

In an interview on TV this morning, the leader of the Scottish Conservatives (a small group) refused to say if he supported relaxing the measure on exports by alighnment. He just repeated that the fishing industry must be helped.

Well, rather than pumping it full of public cash, why not let it become viable once again and allow it to export freely, the choice made that it currently can't is the very hard Brexit negotiated by Frost under direction from Johnson.

This is the loss in trade, yer on year between January 202 and 2021:
We can stop this, today, if as a nation we are honest with ourselves about the economic sanctions we have imposed on ourselves and exporters.

Otherwise there is just more economic hardship ahead.

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