Sunday 15 December 2019

A new cunning plan

Cast your mind back to when May was made PM and she prepared her Government for the Brexit negotiations but splitting international trade between three departments, two being start up departments.

Cue teething problems, stealing each other staff, demarcation. And so on. And on.

Three and a half years later, it is still the same, unclear as to who is responsible for what, and the DExEU might be wound up next month, just at the point the real negotiations are due to begin.

News came yesterday that departments in Whitehall are going to be stripped of civil servants and replaced with "experts". I thought the country had had enough of experts.

So, ministries are being re-staffed, so no one will know roles, responsibilities, and so on. So, repeating the mistakes of May, again just as the real negotiations are due to start. Almost like Johnson wants them to fail.

And Cummings is going to take on the MOD Procurement department to try to cut out waste.

Yeah, good luck with that, Dom.

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