Monday 2 December 2019

Lies and disinformation

All over the weekend, the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and Conservative Party as a whole have been trying to pin the blame on the last Labour Government which left office, checks paper, May 2010.

So, either in coalition of Governing alone, the Conservatives have been in power for nine and a half years. At what point can a Governing Party no longer be able to blame the other party for failings? I would suggest nine and a half years easily meets that criteria.

But on top of that, a multitude of failed law and policy failures, mostly enacted when Chris "Failing" Grayling was Minister fort Justice. A series of ill-advised and thought out cuts were rolled out, by a man, who let us not forget, thought that his singular lack of legal training or background would be some kind of advantage.

Most damning in light of the attack on Friday was the part-privatisation of the Parole Service can be seen in not being able to cope with the settlement of radicalised Jihadists.

The Government was warned about this in 2017, and ignored the warnings.

Most of Grayling's policies have been reversed, but not before damage has been done, and funding not replaced to pre-Grayling levels.

So we saw the sight on Twitter this weekend of the PM's Twitter account being used to justify the PM's position, by selectively stealing from a blog post by @BarristerSecret, taking his/her findings out of context of the havoc wrought on the Justice System by the Conservative Party.

It has been suggested that if a student had put in this as a thesis or paper, it would have been rejected for plagiarism. Which is where we are now, Governed by a shameless, lying thief, who the papers and most broadcasters back, and repeat his lies without comment or calling lies, lies.

The election is in 10 days.

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