Thursday 12 December 2019

Wednesday 11th December 2019

Hump day.

My shoulder hardly hurts.

Meaning no excuse not to do phys.

Oh yes.

I laid in bed until I was jolted awake. Jools was already up and the living room light on downstairs. I looked at the clock and I thought it said 03:50, but it was two hours later.

Jools was up and about and so made me a coffee whilst I tried to get my eyes to work correctly, then get up without injuring myself.

That done, downstairs where the table lamp was too bright. And so on.

I am not a morning person, let it be said. So, Jools gets ready for work, then leaves me at home, where I surprise myself by going to the spare room to do a session. That means I can have a morning off on Thursday I tell myself.

I get to work, check mails, then at half nine have brunch: the remainder of the chipolatas, fried mash potato and a fried slice. And a huge cuppa.


Not healthy mind, but fills the gap in the way a tin of grapefruit and yoghurt doesn't.

I dded a lie down, but reviewing documents waits for no man. No man's stomach.

It is a fine day outside, too fine to stay inside, and yet, I do stay inside. So I get the big boy lens out to snap some of the garden birds, something for the shot of the day, if nothing else.

Three hundred and forty five And so by the time work was done, outside it was getting dark as another short winter day drew to an end.

We were to have warmed up leftover roast beef, warmed up gravy but fresh roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and Yorkshires as I had snacked on the leftover ones during Tuesday.

Bad Ian.

And so it goes, Jools came home with the veg, that prepared in 5 minutes, onto boil, the already boiled potatoes, roasted and the batter in the tin for the Yorkshires, with the mean wrapped in silver paper.

And pre-chilled pink fizz. Because we're still worth it.

And we eat. Eat well. And a little too much. But mostly veg. So, rest easy.

The day ends with more radio, writing and finally reading in bed.

Day's gone.

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