Thursday 19 December 2019

The liar's gonna lie

So, the Queen's Speech was today, apparently, I was up in that London all day.

But it seems that promises on minimum wage, worker's rights, environmental protection and asylum for refugee children all have been scrubbed from the WAB as has most of the scrutiny that Parliament expected.

Well, more fool you for believing the Liar-in-Chief would keep his word.

On top of that, trade talks with both the EU and US will be carried out in secret, with us only knowing what is leaked, or in the case of the EU, published. As they did during the A50 process.

So, the turkeys have voted for Christmas.

We told you so.

Seems the electorate would rather vote for the leader whose lies promise them what they want, even if they knew he was lying. People want to be lied to?

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