Friday 13 December 2019

Thursday 12th September 2019

Good morning.

And I have work. But Jools doesn't as she worked out she was owed two more days off due to the hours she works. So, not just Fridays off now, but Thursday this week and next week.

Which is nice.

But with Jools planning on doing loads, it means that I will be left alone at least in the morning, and maybe in the afternoon.

It was also, of course, the election, and we woke up and went to bed full of hope. As its always the hope that kills you in the end.

Anyway, that for another day.

We were up at six. Still dark. But both of us with lots to do, though most of mine were work related.

Jools makes coffee, and after two days on the cross trainer, I had a day's rest, because that's the right thing to do, and also because if felt like I had a cold coming.

Jools went to Yoga at seven, then to swimming. And I listened to radio and then got myself ready for work.

And another day without meetings. This was the kind of calendar I needed on the project, where over half the day was meetings and the rest dealing with e mails, so no actual work ever got done. But those days are behind me now.

Outside it is a miserable day. Starts off dry and even a glimpse of a sunrise, but soon the clouds coming rolling in and the wind begins to blow.

Rain falls in sheets and so is set in for the day.

The cats look mournfully out of the windows, but the birds carry on as normal, feeding and trying to put on weight.

After dinner of fishcakes and creamed spinach, because they needed eating up. Several days ago. Anyway, 24 hour later and we're still alive, and healthy, so no damage done.....

Three hundred and forty six We drive to the village hall to cast our vote. I forget my camera for the shot of the day. We then go to Jen's, but she is out, so leave and come back via Pineham and Guston to find the road closed for some kind of work. Meaning we have to go back to Dover then along from the castle and then back home. A short cut to avoid a line of cars of about 10 vehicles took half an hour.

Once home, we have coffee, a slice of Christmas cake, then I tidy up the loose ends at work and am done for the day.

I am shattered, and sure the cheese and wine I had for supper didn't help.

It is nine in the evening and my eyes are so tired they itch. So I give up and go to bed, no staying up for the results for me. I would find out in the morning.

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