Tuesday 3 December 2019

Monday 2nd December 2019

Monday morning.


Why don't we start the working week on a Tuesday? And end it on a Thursday?

Why oh why oh spells yoyo.

And it is cold. Mighty cold. Best put the heating on.

And then there is the weighty issue. Back in September, after a month or so of work on the cross trainer, I was beginning to see and feel the benefits. Then Mum passed away and I was away two weeks. Then we had a holiday. And that American food. Then I had those two courses to go on, eating good food for breakfast and dinner. And beer.

And so, the net effect is my clothes are tight again. And as much as I would like to live life how I want to, we know where that would end up. So, once we had drunk coffee and Jools left for the office, I went to the spare room, pulled on my trainers and did twenty minutes.

It was a start, and the start is the hardest part.

I listened to the radio, not as good as the i pod, but still, best I could do.

And Scully laid on the bed, meowing sweet nothings trying to tempt me back to bed for some more snoozing.

Bad girl.

And then, to work. Breakfast. And more work.

The day began with a two hour meeting. I mean, I like meetings. Not really. But I kinda got used to not having them, having an Outlook Calendar with nothing but holidays in it. But Monday morning meetings.

About audits.


I have a coffee whilst I listen to others talk. About audits.

And then it was mid morning. So an early lunch, and my stomach said "fried eggs on friend bread". My head asked if that was a good idea.

OK, if you're sure.

There is something comforting about the crispiness of fried bread, coupled with the greasy goodness oozing out. I fry two slices perfct. I fry two eggs. Break one yolk, but still more than good enough.

I serve the cooked eggs on the fried bread, take the plate and a brew to the table and scoff them both


And my stomach days, "maybe not such a good idea". Adding that best make a dash for the loo. As it turned out, the egg intollerance had returned, and my stomach got those eggs out double quick.


And I was no longer hungry.

So, back to work after tidying up.

And the day continued as before.

And that was it.

As at ten past two Jools came home, as she had to have her eyes checked at the hospital, and the drops they use mean her pupils would be dilated and she unable to drive. So, we set off for Ashford, through Dover and up to Folkestone on the M20, then around the new roundabout, up to the hospital.

We walk to the waiting area. And wait.

Jools is called into different rooms four times, for each stage of the test.

90 minutes later, we were done, and with darkness having fallen, we walked back to the car and drove home in the early rush hour traffic.

There was nothing to worry about with Jools' results, just needs to have check ups each year.

Three hundred and thirty six Once back home, I prepare and cook herb encrusted rack of lamb, beause thats what we were going to have on Sunday, but had stinky cheese instead.

Steamed veg, roast potatoes (not very good) and a Yorkshire pudding. And pink fizz, which was very fizzy.

We know how to live.

We are cleared up and munching our way through the free chocolates we got in Belgium. I mean. Free. Chocolates. We weren't hungry, but they were there, calling us. so the chocolate sirens lured us.

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