Sunday 15 December 2019


I am a quality manager, and if something goes wrong, we conduct a root cause analysis, RCA, to get to the root cause of what cause what went wrong, so when we fix something, we know we are fixing the right thing.

Labour is currently coming to terms with its worse election performance sine 1935, and is blaming everyone but the obvious.

Corbyn was hated around the country. By just about everyone except his core supporters and cult members, because cult is what it was/is.

Corbyn might have been sincere in what he said and believed, but no one believed him. He perfomed badly in interviews and debates, and when given the opportunity to apologise for antisemitism, he dodged the question Having already having said sorry, he could have said sorry again and looked statesmanlike.

But he didn't.

Make no mistake any Labour or LibDem of SNP leader that really wants to make radical change could escape the ire of Fleet Street, so it was always going to be difficult. But he never challenged the core problems with Brexit in that it is fundamentally a stupid idea and that immigration has a massive net benefit on the country.

I would rather him gone down fighting on those issues that election policies that looked unaffordable in the manifesto to just about everyone. He just wasn't credible.

Labour last won a majority when it moved to the centre ground, moving to the left was a disaster, and yet some in the party feel they were not radical enough.

Neil Kinnock said in the 1980s that Labour cannot play politics with people's lives, but they did so this time, and has left the country and huge swathes of working class UK at the mercy of Johnson polices that will strip away rights, jobs and benefits.

Johnson and Brexit was the biggest open goal in UK politics for Labour, and under Corbyn managed to convert that into the bbiggest loss for several generations. Takes some doing, and he won't take full responsibility for it, either.

There will be balme for everyone, but Labour, under Corbyn facilitated Brexit until it was too late.

The country will not forget, nor forgive.

2005 — Lab vote share in England, 35%
Lab seats in England, 286

2019 — Lab vote share in England, 34%
Lab seats in England, 180


Martin Cooke said...

Don't those final figures show that Corbyn did not do too badly? Only 1% fewer votes than the victorious Blair...

jelltex said...

It was where they lost voters that was the problem, in areas they assumed they would always win.

That those areas trusted the Tories on the economy, NHS and Brexit shows how badly Labour did.

18 northern constituencies went blue for the first time since the war.