Sunday 8 December 2019

Playing catch up

I have spent a weekend away from social media and new broadcasts, which means I am a little out of the loop.

But it goes without saying that the Conservatives are still lying, Liz Truss contradicting the PM in preparations for social care.

Newspapers are terrified of a Corbyn Government, and coming out all sort of scare stories at what it would cost, at the same time ignoring what Brexit has cost so far, a process which was supposed to be of cash positive, not cost the country more than the lie painted on the side of a bus.

The first past the post system means that both main parties are pretty much guaranteed tow in 200 seats each, no matter what, so the election is fought over only a percentage of seats, meaning over half the votes cast are wasted. There is not going to be a change in this, as turkeys don't vote for Christmas, except for Brexit.

And for many of us, instead of voting for the party we want, we have to vote for the least worse party that might win to keep the really bad choice out.

And immigration is being targeted despite it being hugely cash positive.

This country is fucked.

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