Monday 16 December 2019

Bring on the madness

There is no avoiding reality.

I mean you can deny it. Deny it for years, but it will bite you in the end. Hard.

Brexit will be a disaster, maybe not as bad as some, like me say, but it will have no positives, just misery.

Brexiteers will deny this and still talk of bonuses or adequate food supplies. But we will all be poorer.

Getting poor won't be like the pound in you pocket will buy half as much overnight, it will be gradual. packet sizes will get smaller, by a few grams here and there, but soon a tin of beans that could seve three, will only serve two.

Energy is priced in dollars, so anyone buying energy on the international market will have to convert pounds to dollars, and as the pound slumps, each pound buys less and less, and at the pumps or in utility bills, we pay more. THus getting poorer as we have less money for things like food.

These will happen.

The Government will press ahead, with no assessments being published, but it won't change the real life impact.

Brexiteers are currently gloating that the UK will leave the EU on 31st January next month, but will they be so happy in a year of confronting a new reality each and every day, about how international trade talks happen, about the trade offs.

We shall see.

It is going to be a sharp learning curve for them, and it is important that the Conservatives take ownership of Brexit, and Labour let them get on with it, trying as best they can to hold the Government to scrutiny, because there will be a reckoning, and trying now to claim things wouldn't have been so bad if Labour had embraced Brexit is also denying reality.

Know and understand the problem, then move on to fix it, rather than fix the wrong problems and create a new problem.

Chaos is coming, break out the popcorn. Just a shame that the country will be going to the dogs at the same time. "I told you so."

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