Friday 13 December 2019


I woke up with hope in my heart.

I thought that despite my fears, I thought that the reality of Brexit would win through, and at least there would be a minority Johnson Government, amybe even a minority Corbyn Government.

None of it, Johnson won an 80 seat landslide that will ensure Brexit happens, and also ensures all the civil liberties that page 48 of the manifesto threatens.

And we deserve it, as a country.

The wold said it would eat us if we voted for it, and the sheep voted for the wolf, because the wolf says it like it is.

There will be a dawning realisation of the horrors to come. Johnso speaks about bringing the country together, healing differences. So did Thatcher in 1979 and look how well that went.

And it will all have been avoidable, with an electable opposition leader.

But there was Corbyn.

Corbyn the man of principle, who on the 70s shared a platform with the Provos, and that came back to haunt him yesterday. No matter what he said now, or what he did, people like those from Birmingham who remember the IRA bombings did not forget, did not forgive appeasement, as no one has been found guilty of the pub bombings, the six who were framed for it by the corrupt local police have been freed.

People who knew voting Tory would mean they lost their jobs, still voted Tory rather than Labour because of Corbyn. A swathe of northern working class England voted Conservative, in 18 constituencies for the first time since the war, rather than vote for Corbyn. Dennis Skinner, the "Beast of Bolsover", lost his seat of 49 years, and this is someone who once gave up a month's wages to the striking miners in 1985. Yesterday the same miners voted their MP out for a Tory, the party that lost them their jobs and industry. Rather than vote for Corbyn.

Labour were told over and over how toxic he was. But they kidded themselves he came from a long way back in 2017 to narrowly lose, he would do the same this time.

He didn't.

THis was a worse defeat than the one for Michael Foot in 1983. It will take a lot to come back from this. A start would be to admit the mistake that Corbyn was, but Momentum and the Corbynites blame anyone but themselves, just like the Brexiteers.

Bunch of cults the both of them.

A decade of Tory rule looms, and the very fabric of the country will change for good. It will hurt, and none of it is going to be the same.


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