Monday 23 December 2019

Sunday 22nd December 2019

From now on, there will be more light each day. For the first month there might not be enough to notice, but warmth, spring and summer are coming. The darkness has turned, and now we go on into the light.

Rejoice, my friends.

The above notwithstanding, Sunday did dawn grey and miserable. The BBC said it would get out nice in the afternoon, maybe stop raining mid-morning. But for now, it looked grim.

Sunday morning in Deal Festive grim.

We have a coffee, then decide to make the most of it and go for a walk, somewhere on concrete, so its either Dover or Deal. Deal won out again.

Sunday morning in Deal We drove into Deal, again down roads turned into rivers, parking beside the pier in the car park half filled with a puddle big enough to float a ship in.

Its funny, I mean for the last few months, years maybe, it seems there has always been something to do. And yest we woke up on Sunday with no pressing tasks. Just what was it we wanted to do with the day.

Sunday morning in Deal Every weekday morning, we wake up to go for work, and weekends we wake up early to do the tings that work makes possible. And since September 26th. there has been a stack of things to do, sort out, file or whatever. Through December, we have sorted through what we have, and taken what we don't want to charity shops or thrown out.

Sunday morning in Deal But Sunday, there was nothing urgent. Nothing.

Sunday morning in Deal Except, after fruit for breakfast, some carbs for breakfast, or second breakfast seemed good. We noticed that the pier cafe was open: breakfast? Bacon?

Yes, and yes.

Three hundred and fifty six We walk along the pier, and through the sliding doors into the new cafe. Or new cafe in the old building. Or the new cafe in the old new building. Or something.

We were shown to a table, brought a bottle of water, then our drinks order taken, and then our food order; bacon butty for Jools and sausage butty for me.

And very nice they both were too, the sausage had a hint of garlic and herbs. Lovely. Did I want to swap half of mine for a bacon? Heck no.

Back outside the rain had begun to fall hard again, and despite trying to sound enthusiastic about it, Jools asked should be go home early, I said yes.

Sunday morning in Deal So we did.

Back home, and while we listened to the radio, outside the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. Jools went outside to do some gardening, while I stayed inside to so some cooking. Shoarma chicken, fried potatoes and and corn. Simple enough, but it was great, and an actual meal!

The afternoon was spent watching football, or what passes for it these days. Man Utd posing badly at bottom of the table Watford, then Spurs losing easily to Chelski.

The games ended just after six, meaning we had to rush to get our stuff together so we could go and pick up John then go to Jen's for some hot cards action.

Yes, Sunday is the new Saturday. We played until it was nearly Monday; Jools and I end the evening up, so that's good.

I bought Jen a framed shot of her son, Scott, taken in November when he came to visit. She cried buckets. Its what I do, Ma'am.

And that is another day of leisure done and dusted. Bakc to the working week tomorrow, just not working.

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