Sunday 15 December 2019

Sorting out the past

Life goes on.

As so does the tidying up and clearing out.

I am an only child, I have no children, and both my parents were only children. In short, there is no one else to leave all the stuff from our house, nor all my parents and grandparents stuff.

So, yesterday, began to task of sorting things out, starting with photographs and ephemera. I have kept most of the photos, those that I know of think have close of distant family members in. Others went out.

I had about six boxes of football programs. Half were donated to a charity in Norwich We found three more yesterday, along with newspapers and newspaper clippings. Copies of the EDP, Pink Un and even The Sun.

Promotions, cup wins, September 9/11, the Millennium, the Olympics in London. All to go out. Why keep them? I mean if I have not looked at them for a decade or more, who will?

All my convert tickets, including Michael Jackson, Whitney; all are no landfill or biomass pellets as they went to the tip yesterday. I have digitised them, and are now gone.

Task now for Christmas is to re-use some old photo albums in which to put family photos in, put labels on them, and then they can go back on the shelves.

So it goes, so it goes.

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