Thursday 5 December 2019

Hidden away

Hidden away on page 48 of the Conservative Manifesto are a few things that should alarm anyone who values the UK constitution.

On the subject of the constitution, it says: "“ensure that there is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital national security and effective government.”

"We will ensure that judicial review is available to protect the rights of the individuals against an overbearing state, while ensuring that it is not abused to conduct politics by another means or to create needless delays."

They also promise to update the Human Rights Act (HRA).

What we saw in the death throws of the last Parliament, was the constitution working well, ensuring that the Government followed the law. Despite protests, all should be thankful that Parliament and the Supreme Court found that no one, not even the Prime Minister was above the law.

If the Tories are the challenge that, to make it more difficult for Parliament, MPs or private citizens to challenge the Executive, that causes huge issues with thatnks to the WAB, the ability of Ministers to wipe away rights or change laws with impunity.

Such powers were given to the people after centuries of struggle, and should not be given up lightly, and certainly not hidden away on page 48 of a manifesto.

As I have said before, Brexit is not really about Brexit, for many in the Conservative Party, it is a power grab A power grab that will include voter registration to suppress the electorate, gerrymandering constituency borders to firm up area where they stand no chance of ever losing. Possibly ensuring that they would never lose power.

The UK of five years time could look very different to what it is now, and there might not be going back, not without a fight. I hope I'm wrong, but a Prime Minister who is literally running away from any scrutiny from journalists and the public. A Prime Minister who is frightened of a 30 minute interview where difficult questions would be asked, how on earth would he do in negotiations with a world leader like Putin or Trump fare?

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